program >>>
Monday Morning, October 6, 2003
08:00�08:30 Registration
08:30�08:40 Opening Remarks
Chairmen:   Prof. Robert A. Weiss, University of Connecticut
                    Prof. Musa R. Kamal, McGill University

Session 1: Mechanisms

08:40�09:25 Keynote Lecture:  Opportunities and Issues for Controlling Interfaces in Polymer Nanocomposites
Dr. Richard A. Vaia
Air Force Research Laboratory (USA)
09:25�09:45 Analysis of the Process of Nanogranule Dispersion in Polymers Using the In Situ Bubble Stretching Models
D.-M. Wu, Q.-Y. Meng, Y. Liu, and Y. -M. Ding
Beijing Univ. of Chemical Technology (China)
09:45�10:05 Melt Compounding of Polymeric Nanocomposites
L. A. Utracki
National Research Council � IMI (Canada)

Visual Observation of CO2 Foaming of Polypropylene-Clay Nanocomposites
K. Taki*, T. Yanagimoto*, E. Funami*, 
M. Okamoto**, and M. Ohshima*
*Kyoto University; **Toyota Technological Institute (Japan

10:25�10:40 Coffee Break

Session 2:  Properties and Characterization

10:40�11:00 Thermoset Rubber/Layered Silicate Nanocomposites - Status and Future Trends
J. Karger-Kocsis* and C.-M. Wu**
*Kaiserslautern Univ. of Technology (Germany); **Chung-Shan Inst. Sci. Technol. (Taiwan)
11:00�11:20 Layered-Silicate Nanocomposites as Protective Barriers for Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Plastics
H. T. Rana, R. K. Gupta, and H. V. S. GangaRao
West Virginia University (USA)
11:20�11:40 Preparation and Properties of Polyolefin-Clay Nanocomposites
C. Y. Lew, W. R. Murphy, and G. M. McNally
Queen's University Belfast (UK)
11:40�12:00 Nanocomposite Reinforced Polypropylene
R. Fibiger, J. M. Garc�s, J. Palmieri, and T. Traugott
The Dow Chemical Company (USA)
12:00�12:20 Processing Dependence of Mechanical Properties in Polypropylene-Clay Nanocomposites
A. Wallace, J. Lo, and D. M. Shinozaki
University of Western Ontario (Canada)
12:20�13:30 Lunch

Monday Afternoon, October 6, 2003

Chairmen:  Prof. Joseph Karger-Kocsis, 
                   Kaiserslautern University of Technology

                   Dr. Leszek A. Utracki, 
                   National Research Council - IMI

Session 3:  Modelling and Prediction

13:30�14:15 Keynote Lecture:  Predicting the Morphology and Mechanical Properties of Diblock/ Nanoparticle Composites
Prof. Anna Balazs
University of Pittsburgh (USA)
14:15�14:35 Estimation of Stress for Separation of Platelets by Melt Processing
Y. G. Cho and M. R. Kamal
McGill University (Canada)
14:35�14:55 Addressing the Interface in Polymer-Clay Nanocomposites by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy on Surfactant Probes
G. Jeschke, G. Panek, S. Schleidt, and U. Jonas
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research (Germany)
14:55�15:10 Coffee Break

Session 4:  Properties and Characterization

15:10�15:30 Structure-Property Relationships in Polymer Blend Nanocomposites
K-Y. Lee and L. A. Goettler
University of Akron (USA)
15:30�15:50 Hybrid Organic Inorganic Nylon-6/SiO2 Nanocomposites:  Transport and Mechanical Properties
M. Garc�a*, J. Barsema*, F. Ch�vez**, W. E. van Zyl*, H. Verweij*, and D. H. A. Blank*
*University of Twente (The Netherlands); **Princeton University (USA)
15:50�16:10 Preparation and Characterization of Poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO)/Clay Nanocomposites for Polymer Electrolytes
W. Loyens, P. Jannasch, and F. H. J. Maurer
Lund University (Sweden)
16:10�16:30 Morphology and Performance of Epoxy Nanocomposites Modified with Organoclay and CTBN Rubber
W-P. Liu, S. V. Hoa, and M. Pugh
Concordia Center for Composites (Canada)
16:30�16:50 Micro/Nano-structure Study of Epon 828 / Epi-cure 3046 System and Its Clay/Epoxy Nanocomposite
H. Wang, P. Wood-Adams, and S. V. Hoa
Concordia University (Canada)
16:50�17:10 The Development and Application of Polymer/Clay Nanocomposites in Taiwan
T.-Y. Tsai
Chung Yuan Christian Univ.
& ITRI (Taiwan)
17:10�18:00 Poster Installation
Tuesday Morning, October 7, 2003
Chairmen:  Prof. Octavio Manero Brito, 
                   Univ. Nacional Autonoma � Mexico

                   Prof. Mosto Bousmina, Laval University
08:00�08:30 Registration

Session 5:  Preparation of PNCs

08:30�09:15 Keynote Lecture:  Polymer-Clay Nanocomposites: Designing of Materials with Desired Properties
Prof. Masami Okamoto*, S. Sinha Ray*, J. Y. Nam*, A. Ogami**, K. Yamada**, K. Ueda**, K. Okamoto***, M. Mitsunaga****, and K.Hironaka****
*Toyota Technological Institute; **Unitika Ltd.; ***Nagoya Municipal Research Institute; ****Teijin Chemicals Ltd. (Japan)
09:15�09:35 Polyolefin Nanocomposites:  Formulation and Development
M.-T. Ton-That, F. Perrin-Sarazin, K. C. Cole, M. N. Bureau, and J. Denault
National Research Council - IMI (Canada)
09:35�09:55 Melt Processing of PA-66/Clay, HDPE/Clay, and HDPE/PA-66/Clay
M. Mehrabzadeh and M. R. Kamal
McGill University (Canada)
09:55�10:15 Extrusion Processing of TPO Nanocomposites
P. D. Fasulo*, W. R. Rodgers*, R. A. Ottaviani*, and D. L. Hunter**
*General Motors Research and Development Center; **Southern Clay Products, Inc. (USA)
10:15�10:30 Coffee Break
10:30�10:50 Polyethylene-Clay Hybrid Nanocomposites Prepared by In Situ Polymerization
S.-Y. A. Shin, J. B. P. Soares, L. C. Simon, and G. Scholz
University of Waterloo (Canada)
10:50�11:10 EVOH/Clay Nanocomposites Produced by Dynamic Melt Mixing
N. Artzi, M. Narkis, and A. Siegmann
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (Israel)
11:10�11:30 Photopolymer Nanocomposites
C. Decker
Universit� de Haute Alsace (France)
11:30�11:50 Epoxy-Phenolic Novolac-Montmorillonite Hybrid Nanocomposites:  Comparison among Different Synthesis Techniques and Characterization
S. M. Lee*, T. R. Hwang**, M. G. Kang*, and J. W. Lee**
*Kolon Chemical Co. Ltd.; **Sogang University (Korea)
11:50�12:10 In-situ Generated Diphenylsiloxane-Polyimide Adduct Based Nanocomposites
M. G. Goswami, R. Singh, A. Tiwari, and 
S. K. Nema
R. D. University (India)
12:10�13:30 Lunch

Tuesday Afternoon, October 7, 2003

Chairmen:  Prof. Charles Wilkie, Marquette University
                   Prof. Pierre Carreau, 
                   �cole Polytechnique de Montr�al

Session 6:  New Materials

13:30�13:50 Elaboration Routes for Thermoplastic/Pristine Clay Nanocomposites
J. M. Gloaguen*, J. Soulestin*, V. Miri*, J. M. Lefebvre*, N. Fedullo**, M. Sclavons**, and 
J. Devaux**
*Univ. Sci.
Tech. Lille (France); **Univ. Catholique de Louvain (Belgium)
13:50�14:10 Development of a New Production Method for a Polypropylene-Clay Nanocomposite
M. Kato, M. Matsushita, and K. Fukumori
Toyota Central Research & Development Lab (Japan)
14:10�14:30 A Novel Versatile Strategy for Making Polymer Nanocomposites
C. Danumah, M. Bousmina, and S. Kaliaguine
Laval University (Canada)
14:30�14:50 Silica Coated Hydroxyapatite/Chitosan Nanocomposites: Colloid Stability Effects in Thin Film Formation
O. C. Wilson Jr., L. Marshall, S. Cabrera, E. Bicksler, and H. Houston
University of Maryland (USA)
14:50�15:10 Nanocomposites Derived from Melt Mixing a Thermotropic Liquid Crystalline Polyester and Zinc Sulfonated Polystyrene Ionomers
H. Lee and R. A. Weiss
University of Connecticut (USA)
15:10�15:25 Coffee Break

Session 7:  Rheology

15:25�15:45 Morphology of EVA Based Nanocomposites Under Shear and Extensional Flow
R. Prasad, V. Pasanovic-Zujo, R. K. Gupta, F. Cser, and S. N. Bhattacharya
RMIT University (Australia)
15:45�16:05 Structural and Rheological Investigation of Nanocomposites Prepared by Melt-Blending of Ethylene-Vinyl Based Copolymers with Organoclays
M. Gelfer*, C. Burger*, C. Avila*, L.Yang*, I. Sics*, B. S. Hsiao*, B. Chu*, M. Si*, M. Rafailovich*, B. B. Sauer**, W-J. Choi*** and S.C. Kim***
*State University of New York (USA); **DuPont Company (USA); ***Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(Korea)
16:05�16:25 Mechanical and Rheological Studies on Polyethylene Terephthalate - Montmorillonite Nanocomposites
A. S�nchez-Sol�s, I. Romero-Ibarra, M. R. Estrada, F. Calderas, and O. Manero
Nacional Autonoma (Mexico)

Poster Session and Mixer



Wednesday Morning, October 8, 2003
Chairmen:   Prof. Lloyd Goettler, University of Akron
                    Prof. Pascal Hubert, McGill University
08:00�08:30 Registration

Session 8:  Carbon Nanotubes and Synthetic Nanoparticles

08:30�09:15 Keynote Lecture:  Production, Purification, and Functionalization of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Dr. Benoit Simard
National Research Council - SIMS (Canada)
09:15�10:00 Keynote Lecture:  Nanotube Composite Properties Modelling
Dr. Gregory Odegard
National Institute of Aerospace, NASA Langley Research Ctr. (USA)
10:00�10:20 Scale Effects in Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Ropes
P. Hubert*, B. Ashrafi*, and R. B. Pipes**
*McGill University (Canada); **Univ. of Akron (USA)
10:20�10:35 Coffee Break
10:35�11:20 Keynote Lecture:  Recent Advances in the Mechanics of Carbon Nanotubes and Their Composites
Dr. H. Daniel Wagner
Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel)
11:20�11:40 Preparation of Polypropylene/Graphite Nanocomposites by Thermo-Kinetic Mixing
T.G. Gopakumar and D. J. Y. S. Pag�
Royal Military College of Canada (Canada)
11:40�12:00 Conducting Polymer Nanocomposites for Electronic Applications
E. Jin*, C. Qiu*, S. Xiao*, Y. Chen**, and 
I. Shih**
*Organic Vision Inc.; **McGill University (Canada)
12:00�12:20 Nanocomposites Processing from the Introduction of Preformed Inorganic Nanobuilding Blocks
S. Bizet*, M. Amici**, M. Stamm**, S. Bocchini*, J. Galy*, and J. F. G�rard*
*INSA Lyon (France); **IPF Dresden (Germany)
12:20�13:30 Lunch

Wednesday Afternoon, October 8, 2003
Chairmen:    Prof. Sati Nath Bhattacharya, RMIT University
                     Prof. Suong V. Hoa, Concordia University

Session 9:  Thermal and Flame Properties

13:30�13:50 Polyolefin Nanocomposites:  Essential Work of Fracture Analysis
M. Bureau, F. Perrin-Sarazin, and M.-T. Ton-That
National Research Council - IMI (Canada)
13:50�14:10 Polystyrene Magadiite Nanocomposites
D. Wang*, D.D. Jiang*, J. Pabst*, Z. Han**, J. Wang**, and C. A. Wilkie*
*Marquette University (USA); **Beijing Institute of Technology (China)
14:10�14:30 Preparation, Thermal Degradation and Combustion Behavior of Polymer/Layered Silicate Nanocomposites Based upon PE and EVA
M. Zanetti, P. Bracco, and L. Costa
Universit� degli Studi di Torino (Italy)
14:30�14:50 PC/PCL Clay Nanocomposites: Preparation and Properties
S. Wanjale, S. Kumari, and J. P. Jog
National Chemical Laboratory (India)
14:50�15:05 Coffee Break

Session 10:  Properties and Characterization

15:05�15:25 Polyamide Nanocomposites with Improved Toughness
I. Kelnar, J. Kotek, L. Kapralkova, and 
B. S. Munteanu
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (Czech Republic)
15:25� 5:45 Melt Processing of Polystyrene Nanocomposites
N. Nassar*, J.-U. Calderon*, L. A. Utracki**, and M. R. Kamal*
*McGill University; **National Research Council - IMI (Canada)
15:45�16:05 Preparation and Thermal Properties of Poly(ethylene terephthalate)/Silica Nanocomposites
X.-Y. Tian, W.-T. Liu, P. Cui, H. He, G.-T. Fei, and Y. Li
Chinese Academy of Sciences (China)
16:05�16:25 Gold-Polymer Nanocomposites: Dispersion as a Function of Brush Polymer Molecular Weight, Grafting Density and Gold-Core Geometry
M. K. Corbierre and R. B. Lennox
McGill University (Canada)
16:25�16:45 Investigation of Novel Electronic Packaging Materials Based on Epoxy, Phenolic Novolac and Montmorillonite Hybrid Nanocomposites
S. M. Lee*, T. R. Hwang**, M. G. Kang*, and J. W. Lee**
*Kolon Chemical Co. Ltd.; **Sogang University (Korea)
16:45�16:55 Closing Remarks
(1) Polymerization Compounding: A New Technique for Preparing Polyolefin/Clay Nanocomposites
A. Gaboune, A. Ait Kadi, B. Riedl, and M. Bousmina
Laval University (Canada)
(2) Effect of Functionalization on the Fabrication of Polypropylene Nanocomposites
M.-T. Ton-That*, S.-G. Lei**, K. C. Cole*, S. V. Hoa**, and 
I. Pesneau*
*National Research Council - IMI; **Concordia University (Canada)
(3) Polyolefin Nanocomposites:  Micro-nanostructure Analysis
F. Perrin-Sarazin, M.-T. Ton-That, M. N. Bureau, and 
J. Denault
National Research Council - IMI (Canada)
(4) Preparation and Characterization of PBT Nanocomposites Compounded with Different Montmorillonites
D. Acierno*, E. Amendola**, G. Costa**, P. Scarfato*, and G. Nocerino**
*University of Naples; **National Research Council (Italy)
(5) Elastomeric Nanocomposites:  Quantifying the Effects of Montmorillonite Clays on Styrene-ethylene-butadiene-styrene (SEBS)
S. A. Ashter
Univ. of Massachusetts Lowell (USA)
(6) Preparation and Thermal Properties of Silica-Graft- Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene Nanocomposites
K. Zheng, L. Chen, Y. Li, and P. Cui
Chinese Academy of Sciences (China)
(7) Comparison of Nanocomposites Based on Nylon 6 and Nylon 6,6
F. Chavarria and D. R. Paul
University of Texas at Austin (USA)
(8) Free Volume Characteristics of PA6/Clay Nanocomposites
P. Winberg and F. H. J. Maurer
Lund University (Sweden)
(9) Melt Compounding of Polystyrene with Organoclay in a Co-rotating Twin Screw Extruder
S. Tanoue*, L. A. Utracki**, A. Garcia-Rejon**, J. Tatibou�t**, K. C. Cole**, and M. R. Kamal***
*Fukui University (Japan); **National Research Council - IMI (Canada); ***McGill University (Canada)
(10) Numerical Simulation of Polymer Nanocomposites Using Self-Consistent Mean Field Model
K. Kim*, L. A. Utracki**, and M. R. Kamal*
*McGill University;  **National Research Council � IMI (Canada)
(11) High Impact Polystyrene / Clay Nanocomposites
S. Hambir and J. P. Jog
National Chemical Laboratory (India)
(12) Creep Studies in PVDF/Clay Nanocomposites
L. Priya and J. P. Jog
National Chemical Laboratory (India)
(13) Nonisothermal Crystallization Kinetics of Polyketone (PK)/Clay Nanocomposite
N. Bulakh and J. P. Jog
National Chemical Laboratory (India)
(14) Analysis of Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analysis Data of Copolyester-Based Layered Silicate Nanocomposites Using Havriliak-Negami Model
R. A. Kalgaonkar, S. Nandi, S. S. Tambe, and J. P. Jog
National Chemical Laboratory (India)
(15) Characteristics of Polystyrene/Polyethylene/Clay Nanocomposites Prepared by Ultrasound-Assisted Mixing Process
J. G. Ryu*, S. W. Park*, H. Kim**, and J. W. Lee*
*Sogang University; **Dankook University (Korea)
(16) Structure and Properties of Polymer Composites Filled by Oriented Microfibers
M. V. Tsebrenko*, V. G. Rezanova*, I. A. Tsebrenko*, and V. A. Beloshenko**
*Kiev National Univ. of Technologies and Design; **Donetsk Phys.-Tech. Inst. of Ukraine (Ukraine)
(17) Polyethylene/Nano-Alumina Composites:  In Situ Polymerization and Phase Interaction
X. Zhang and L. C. Simon
University of Waterloo (Canada)
(18) Study on Smoke-Suppressing Behavior of PVC/LDHs Composite
X.-T. Zheng, D.-M. Wu, Y. Liu, and F.-H. Zhu
Beijing University of Chemical Technology (China)
(19) Structure and Properties of Polymer Nanocompositions Polyvinyl Alcohol - Ferrite
I. A. Volkov*, A. V. Volkov**, M. A. Moskvina**, and 
O. V. Snigirev*
Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia)
(20 Processing of PP/Clay Nanocomposites:  Influence of Physicochemical and Extrusion Process Parameters on Mechanical Properties
S. Boucard*-**, J. Duchet*, P. Prele**, J. F. G�rard*
*INSA Lyon; **Multibase, Dow Corning Co. (France)
(21) Role of Clay/Solvent Interactions for Nanocomposite Varnishes Formulations
D. Burgentzle*-**, J. Duchet*, B. Fillon**, A. Jupin**, 
J. F. G�rard*
*INSA Lyon; **Cebal (France)
(22) Surface Energy of Organophilic Layered Silicates for Processing Nanocomposites
K. Grundke**, D. Burgentzle*, J. Duchet*, and J. F. G�rard*
*INSA Lyon (France); **IPF Dresden (Germany)
(23) Characterization of Nano Montmorillonite and Kaolinite Clays Used in Polymer Composite
Z.-F. Li*, Y. Tu**, Z.-M. Xu**, L. Kotlyar**, and K. H. Chung***
*Qingdao University (China);  **National Research Council - ICPET (Canada);  ***Syncrude Canada (Canada)
(24) Development of Electrically Conductive Polymer Composite Materials
N. Haddaoui
Universit� de S�tif (Alg�rie)
(25) Synthesis and Characterization of Polyaniline-Nanostructure Composites
T. A. Huber and M. N. Diep
Defence R&D Canada - Atlantic (Canada)
(26) Montmorillonite-Clay-Based Conducting Nanocomposites of Polythiophene, Polyaniline, and Polypyrrole
N. Ballav and M. Biswas
Presidency College (India)
(27) Metallopolyimide Nanocomposites:  Thermal and Water Uptake Properties
M. Arya, R. K. Singh, and S. K. Nema
R. D. University (India)
(28) Self-Assembled Amphiphilic Conjugated Polymers on Aluminosilicate Nanoparticles as Barrier Membranes
B.-C. Ku*, D. W. Kim**, D. Steeves***, R. Nagarajan*, J. Yun*, M.-H. Chen*, A. Blumstein*, J. Kumar*, J. A.Ratto***, and L. A. Samuelson***
*University of Massachusetts Lowell (USA); **Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (Korea); ***U.S. Army Research (USA)
(29) Epoxy Nanocomposites:  Analysis and Kinetics of Cure
M.-T. Ton-That*, T.-D. Ngo**, P. Ding**, G. Fang**, K. C. Cole*, and S. V. Hoa**
*National Research Council - IMI;  **Concordia University (Canada)